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Game Art & Design II

Course Objectives

Calendar & Assignments

Objective 1   Understand digital design production.

1.01                Remember the history and careers of digital design and modeling.

1.02                Remember hardware and software used in digital design.

1.03                Understand intellectual property guidelines in digital design.


Objective 2    Apply procedures to produce 2D graphics.

2.01                 Apply vector image production methods.

2.02                 Apply bitmap editing and production methods.


Objective 3    Understand digital design techniques.

3.01                 Understand design pipeline.

3.02                 Understand elements and principles of digital design.

3.03                 Understand color theory in digital design.

3.04                 Understand composition techniques.


Objective 4    Apply procedures to produce digital audio and video.

4.01                 Apply procedures to edit and produce digital audio and video.

4.02                 Apply digital effects to audio and video.

4.03                 Apply procedures to animate graphics.


Objective 5    Apply procedures to produce 3D graphics.

5.01                 Understand transformations in Cartesian space.

5.02                 Apply procedures to render 3D models, scenes and animations.

All Assignments and Due Dates are located in the Course Canvas Page.

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