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Game Art & Design I

Course Objectives

Calendar & Assignments

Objective 1   Understand history, careers, and ethics in gaming.

1.01               Understand skills and careers to work in the gaming industry.

1.02               Recall the history of games and the game industry

1.03               Understand rating systems and ethics in the gaming industry

Objective 2   Understand the elements of game theory

2.01               Understand player experience

2.02               Classify game elements

2.03               Categorize games by interaction, objectives and genres

Objective 3   Apply pre-production techniques to plan game prototypes

3.01               Summarize the development process of game design

3.02               Apply game conceptualization methods including brainstorming,                            sketching, and storyboarding.

3.03               Execute a game design document

3.04               Apply procedures to produce an original game prototype

3.05               Outline level layouts to plan and populate games

3.06               Evaluate the prototype using game design parameters

Objective 4   Apply procedures to develop a game

4.01              Recognize a basic game engine interface and correct terminology

4.02              Demonstrate creation of game assets and game engine elements

4.03              Produce original game environments and levels

4.04              Produce an original game using existing game theory and design

Objective 5   Apply post-production techniques to evaluate video games

5.01              Organize and produce a game design portfolio

5.02              Evaluate original games using game theory and quality assurance                         principles

All Assignments and Due Dates are located in the Course Canvas Page.

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